Friday, June 24, 2011

What Idea Have You Had Lately?

In 1975, Gary Dahl working as an advertising executive at the time, launched the sale of the pet rock which quickly transformed him into a multi-millionaire. This enormous profit is much more impressive considering it only took him six months to achieve his multi-millionaire status and the extremely low cost of the product. 

The pet rock sold for $3.95 and estimates state Dahl sold over 5 million of his pet rocks in a six month period. Even more, each pet rock was purchased for a few pennies and Dahl estimated that the packaging and accompanying manual cost him under 30 cents per rock in bulk to produce. Therefore, assuming incidentals and delivery cost Dahl another 65 cents per rock, then Dahl was profiting 3 dollars per rock. With these totals Dahl earned over 15 million dollars during a six month period in 1975 which would be estimated at $56,166,419.02 today. 

Gary Dahl, Pet Rock Inventor

Dahl's somewhat innovative marketing involved commonplace gray pebbles, purchased from a construction supplier, which were then sold to the public as live pets. The idea Dahl stated, was inspired by the hassle, mess, and money that pets such as dogs, cats and fish require.


If you've been the one to say "Hey, that was my idea" when you saw your invention on the shelf, or your improvement to another product; then stop thinking and start doing.

I would like you to join us in our Brainstorming session coming up in July. We have some interest in the area in getting together and throwing out ideas around a table in the hopes of possibly coming up with some new ideas on product inventions, products improvment, or ideas on new business ventures. If you've never been part of a BrainStorming session you are in for a treat.

Keep looking at my Blog as a Follower and I'll let everyone know the date. Please email your contact information to and I'll put you in our database. If you want to know more about BrainStorming then click on the tab at the top of this page.

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