Friday, July 8, 2011

Set'n Cat Hooks

I decided a few days ago to go set a few cat hooks. I prepared 18 hooks, drove to the Lumber River on Thursday evening at 9:00 and set them over a 1/2 mile run. It took a couple of hours.

The river is pretty quite at night, seeing an otter a couple of times, a beaver slapping his tail to let all the others know I'm there and close to the end of my trip seeing a couple of eyes that popped up over the brush; probably a coon. A fun, warm evening enjoying the stillness of the night and my new head lamp I bought to keep from holding a flashlight.

I got up early Friday morning at 6:00 and began checking them . It was so much fun getting close to where I tied the line and watching the limb I tied it to shake up and down. You see my results. I had a blast. The largest cat was 7 lb. and he soaked me trying to get him in the boat, actually a couple of them soaked me from head to toe.

This is the first time I've been in probably 30 years. I plan on going back soon to break the monotony of go to work, go home, go to work, go home. I love my work, I love fish'n to.

Oh, what did I use for bait?  %(F#$*!#%^K(   Get the point! It don't matter, it's the fun of it all!

Now I've got to get Jamie talked in to going with me.