Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1st BrainStormers Session Tomorrow!

Hey folks, one more day till our 1st BrainStormers Session. Tomorrow, Thursday we will be at The Texas Steakhouse at 7:00 pm. untill 10:00 pm. I hope you all can make it and I'm looking forward to meeting you all. Please give us a call and let us know if you are attending so we can plan. Remember, the only cost is your meal. Bring anyone that would be interested, we would love to have them.
"It all begins with an Idea"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BrainStormers Are Headed To Texas

I 've finally got our meeting place decided and our first Session will be at the Texas Steakhouse in Lumberton, across from Office Depot on Fayetteville Rd. You'll take Exit 22 at Walmart and if you are coming from Fayetteville, take a left at top of the ramp; if you are coming from SC you'll turn right at the top of the ramp. Texas Steakhouse will be .4 mile on the left across from Office Depot.

Our Session will be Thursday, July 21st at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Please let me know if you are still planning to attend and how many will be coming with you. It promises to be a good Session.
"It all begins with an Idea"
Look forward to seeing you all.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

BrainStormers Session Planned

Attention BrainStormers,

I’m excited to say we do have some interest in getting together for some brainstorming sessions. Right now we have 5 to 6 individuals that plan to attend our first session. At first it seemed we would meet in St. Pauls but with some folks coming from South Carolina , I feel it would be more centralized in Lumberton , and having our session in Lumberton will give us more options in the way of meeting places. It looks like…

Thursday, July 21st at 7:00 pm

is going to be the date for our first meeting. I will let you know by the weekend where we will meet. I tried to work it around as many schedules as I could. As we meet, we can better plan future sessions and how often. I think our sessions should last about 3 hours (1 hour for the meal and 2 hours in the BrainStorming session). Remember there is no cost except for your own meal. I would like to encourage you to invite others also that enjoy exploring new ideas and like making money so they may add to our sessions.

I have heard excitement in your voices and that makes me ready to get started. I look forward to meeting each of you as we get our first session under way. Since this is our first session I thought it might be fitting to have our first topic to be …

“Businesses I can start right now with little capital”

I know this is a broad topic, but I think we can start here and zero in on some particular businesses later. Please be thinking of our next session topic and we’ll put them all together and see what we can come up with.

Be sure to do whatever it takes to get to the session; I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. Make sure you bring paper and pen, and an open mind. Please be assured we will keep all materials moral and legal. Let’s create a group that area entrepreneurs and business people will want to be a part of also.

“All things begin with an Idea”

Please let me know if you plan to attend so I can arrange reservations.
(910) 740-9100

Friday, July 8, 2011

Set'n Cat Hooks

I decided a few days ago to go set a few cat hooks. I prepared 18 hooks, drove to the Lumber River on Thursday evening at 9:00 and set them over a 1/2 mile run. It took a couple of hours.

The river is pretty quite at night, seeing an otter a couple of times, a beaver slapping his tail to let all the others know I'm there and close to the end of my trip seeing a couple of eyes that popped up over the brush; probably a coon. A fun, warm evening enjoying the stillness of the night and my new head lamp I bought to keep from holding a flashlight.

I got up early Friday morning at 6:00 and began checking them . It was so much fun getting close to where I tied the line and watching the limb I tied it to shake up and down. You see my results. I had a blast. The largest cat was 7 lb. and he soaked me trying to get him in the boat, actually a couple of them soaked me from head to toe.

This is the first time I've been in probably 30 years. I plan on going back soon to break the monotony of go to work, go home, go to work, go home. I love my work, I love fish'n to.

Oh, what did I use for bait?  %(F#$*!#%^K(   Get the point! It don't matter, it's the fun of it all!

Now I've got to get Jamie talked in to going with me.

Friday, July 1, 2011

In Memory Of

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Dustin Ramsay. We at Carolina Casket Sales will keep them in our prayers during this time of bereavement and tragic loss of Dustin of only 18 years.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Own Your Home, Without A Loan

Asking a seller to give you owner financing to buy a home can be a tricky proposition. That's partly because if you ask the listing agent if the owner will carry some or all of the financing, the agent probably doesn't know. Why? The agent never asked.
If you ask the seller directly, the seller is likely to say no. Sellers often reject the suggestion of owner financing because nobody has explained the benefits or proposed owner financing as a way to sell the home. Most sellers don't sell a home every day. Their knowledge is limited to conventional practices where the buyer goes to the bank to get a mortgage.

However, for a seller whose home isn't selling or when traditional lender guidelines are tightened, owner financing suddenly becomes very popular. Owner financing is definitely a viable option in buyer's or seller's markets.

What is Owner Financing?

When part or all of the purchase price, less the buyer's down payment, is carried by the seller, the seller is providing owner financing. It doesn't even matter if the property has an existing loan. Instead of going to the bank, the buyer gives a financing instrument to the seller as evidence of the loan and makes payments to the seller.

Call Ricky @ (910) 740-9100 for more info. if you'd like to buy your own home or if you can't sell your present home or property.

Friday, June 24, 2011

What Idea Have You Had Lately?

In 1975, Gary Dahl working as an advertising executive at the time, launched the sale of the pet rock which quickly transformed him into a multi-millionaire. This enormous profit is much more impressive considering it only took him six months to achieve his multi-millionaire status and the extremely low cost of the product. 

The pet rock sold for $3.95 and estimates state Dahl sold over 5 million of his pet rocks in a six month period. Even more, each pet rock was purchased for a few pennies and Dahl estimated that the packaging and accompanying manual cost him under 30 cents per rock in bulk to produce. Therefore, assuming incidentals and delivery cost Dahl another 65 cents per rock, then Dahl was profiting 3 dollars per rock. With these totals Dahl earned over 15 million dollars during a six month period in 1975 which would be estimated at $56,166,419.02 today. 

Gary Dahl, Pet Rock Inventor

Dahl's somewhat innovative marketing involved commonplace gray pebbles, purchased from a construction supplier, which were then sold to the public as live pets. The idea Dahl stated, was inspired by the hassle, mess, and money that pets such as dogs, cats and fish require.


If you've been the one to say "Hey, that was my idea" when you saw your invention on the shelf, or your improvement to another product; then stop thinking and start doing.

I would like you to join us in our Brainstorming session coming up in July. We have some interest in the area in getting together and throwing out ideas around a table in the hopes of possibly coming up with some new ideas on product inventions, products improvment, or ideas on new business ventures. If you've never been part of a BrainStorming session you are in for a treat.

Keep looking at my Blog as a Follower and I'll let everyone know the date. Please email your contact information to and I'll put you in our database. If you want to know more about BrainStorming then click on the tab at the top of this page.